One of the biggest problems facing new entrepreneurs is setting unattainable goals. Growing your business and meeting your goals seems easy at first: you’ve got a great idea and you hit the ground running, but before you know it, business tapers off and you end up wondering where it all went wrong.

Creating actionable goals, and creating processes that will help you accomplish these goals is the key to staying on track. The next step is utilizing analytics to hold yourself accountable, track results, and get the information you need to make adjustments as necessary.

Creating Your Goals

Let’s look at how to create a few actionable goals for your company. While it’s great to have a big picture goal, it is vital to drill this process down into actionable steps that will make the big picture come to fruition. For example, let’s say you want to get more site subscribers. To accomplish this, you’re going to need make a few changes to your current goals, like increasing your content production, thus increasing your marketing reach. Once you’ve broken down the big goal into actionable steps, your goals will become less intimidating and more attainable.

Strategizing For Success

Create a few different strategies that will help you achieve these goals. This is where analytics come in to the picture. If you’re not currently using analytics to track your progress, now is the time to start. Don’t be afraid to test out several different strategies until you find the one that works for you.

Understand Your Strengths

Remember the section of your business plan where you conducted a SWOT analysis? It’s time to do that again, but this time, you’re going to be looking at what you actually do on a day to day business to accomplish your goals. Be honest with yourself. For example, if you’ve taken on content creation in addition to marketing, but you are not comfortable wearing that hat, you need to find someone who is. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will help ensure that you stay on the right track.

Take a deep breath, and don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed. Create small goals that you can actually meet and map out everything you need to do to achieve your goal. Hold yourself accountable and before you know it, you’ll be on the way to the actualization of your entrepreneurial dreams!