Shutterstock / Everett Collection

Look over your website and answer this question honestly: How is your CRO? Could it be improved?

If the answer is a hands-down “Yes!” you need to take a deep breath and get ready to make some changes to your site.

It’s frightening at best; any changes to your site could push your conversion rates down.

However, if you are truly interested in improving those conversions, you’re going to have to take some chances and make a few minor changes.

Don’t make blind adjustments, though; follow our suggestions for a few simple changes that will certainly increase your CRO.

Change The Call To Action Button

Check out your call to action button. Does it jump out at you? Ask a family member who doesn’t look at your site very often to find it. How long does it take to find? You might need to change it.

You want to consider what color pops against your current background.

Some reports will tell you that red is better than green; this isn’t true if your background is mauve.

You want that call to action button to jump off the page and scream, “Look at me! Use me! Press me; press me!”

Quit It With The Stock Photos

The biggest issue with stock photos is the fact that they reduce the credibility of your site.

Customers can recognize them right away for what they are—knock-offs for actual photos of your product or business.

If you are just terrible with a camera, hire someone or find an employee who can snap some images.

If you need human models for your site, ask your employees to pose for pictures.

People like to know who they’re dealing with, and they are far more likely to purchase from a site that shows them real people over one that uses stock images.

CTA Goes Above the Fold

Companies that placed their call to action button above the fold increased conversions by 41%.

Consider the fact that your customers are very busy and that the general public has a very short attention span.

Scrolling is simply too much work; make it easy and hand them the call to action button without making them work for it. Your conversion rate will increase noticeably.


‘Nuff said. Really. Videos are where it’s at, especially in the coming year.

You want how-to videos, videos explaining what to do with your product or any video pertaining to your business in any way.

Make sure the video is two to three minutes in length; you want to grab attention while remembering that customers won’t stay for a long-winded explanation of your company.

Mention the call to action button at the end of the video to remind customers why they came to the site in the first place.

Make it Happen NOW

Create urgency on your website by giving your customers a reason to click the call to action button now instead of in a few days.

Offer a coupon, a limited-time offer or some other incentive to convince customers to click on the button the first time they visit.

Make Yourself Accessible

As a consumer, I always walk away from a site that makes me search for the “contact us” information.

I will not purchase from someone who is not accessible. Make sure you place your phone number above the fold, and make sure it is highlighted in bold font.

You want your contact information clearly available. Make yourself open to questions and comments to increase trust, and your customers will respond with repeat purchases.